Isabela Merced is set to captivate audiences in the adaptation of John Green's acclaimed novel "Turtles All the Way Down." The forthcoming film, directed by Hannah Marks, with a screenplay by Elizabeth Berger and Isaac Aptaker, delves into the life of a 16-year-old grappling with obsessive-compulsive disorder and a mysterious billionaire's disappearance. Fans eagerly await the film's release on May 2, exclusively on HBO Max, for a story that promises to be as heart-wrenching as it is heartwarming.

Isabela Merced is set to captivate audiences in the adaptation of John Green's acclaimed novel "Turtles All the Way Down." The forthcoming film, directed by Hannah Marks, with a screenplay by Elizabeth Berger and Isaac Aptaker, delves into the life of a 16-year-old grappling with obsessive-compulsive disorder and a mysterious billionaire's disappearance. Fans eagerly await the film's release on May 2, exclusively on HBO Max, for a story that promises to be as heart-wrenching as it is heartwarming.

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American actress Isabela Merced
Isabela Merced

Isabela Merced just declared her new gloss boss: Armani's Prisma Glass! This isn't your regular lip shine, folks—it's like a magic mirror for your mouth that you can take anywhere. Actress by day and glam queen always, Merced's showing us how to get that superstar sparkle. Keep those kisses coming!

Isabela enjoys dancing.💃🏼

Isabela enjoys dancing.💃🏼

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On her day off, Luna Blaise enjoys sleeping and going to her favorite spa in New York for sauna and steam. 💧

Millie Bobby Brown hates taking pictures of food with a mobile phone. 😄

Millie Bobby Brown hates taking pictures of food with a mobile phone. 😄

Styling Emily Carey's hair is sometimes a very complicated operation. 😅

Styling Emily Carey's hair is sometimes a very complicated operation. 😅

Josie Totah enjoys shopping at thrift stores. 😊 👗

Actress Josie Totah
 Thrift store.

Anthony Anderson used to tell Miles Brown that school is for suckers. 🤘

Anthony Anderson used to tell Miles Brown that school is for suckers. 🤘

Luna Blaise likes to layer leather on leather for her fashion look. 👜

Luna Blaise likes to layer leather on leather for her fashion look. 👜

According to Millie Bobby Brown, dirtier carrots are better. 😅 🥕

According to Millie Bobby Brown, dirtier carrots are better. 😅 🥕

Emily Carey danced with a fake pregnancy belly. 😅

Emily Carey danced with a fake pregnancy belly. 😅

Josie Totah stole Kelly Clarkson's parking space. 😁

Josie Totah stole Kelly Clarkson's parking space. 😁
Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi 2024

Emily Carey portrayed young Lara Croft in "Tomb Raider" (2018). 🎥

Emily Carey portrayed young Lara Croft in "Tomb Raider" (2018). 🎥

Josie Totah's 'Saved by the Bell' make-up artist helped her establish her basic routine. 💄

Josie Totah's 'Saved by the Bell' make-up artist helped her establish her basic routine. 💄
Fans of the 'Stranger Things' Series will Need to Arm Themselves with Patience
Emma D'Arcy 26th British Independent Film Awards, Arrivals, Old Billingsgate, London, UK - 03 Dec 2023
Millie Bobby Brown would like to appear again as Enola Holmes

Emily began her career as a BBC soap opera child actress.

Emily began her career as a BBC soap opera child actress.


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