Isabela Merced is set to captivate audiences in the adaptation of John Green's acclaimed novel "Turtles All the Way Down." The forthcoming film, directed by Hannah Marks, with a screenplay by Elizabeth Berger and Isaac Aptaker, delves into the life of a 16-year-old grappling with obsessive-compulsive disorder and a mysterious billionaire's disappearance. Fans eagerly await the film's release on May 2, exclusively on HBO Max, for a story that promises to be as heart-wrenching as it is heartwarming.
Isabela Merced just declared her new gloss boss: Armani's Prisma Glass! This isn't your regular lip shine, folks—it's like a magic mirror for your mouth that you can take anywhere. Actress by day and glam queen always, Merced's showing us how to get that superstar sparkle. Keep those kisses coming!