Christine Taylor is associated with the famous "Sure, Jan" meme, and has become widely popular, even in political contexts.
Jake lived in his car ten years before landing a role in 'Stranger Things'! 🚀
Judy Greer adopted a rescue dog and named her Mary Richards. 🐕
Antony Starr practiced martial arts and karate during his school years. 🥋
Christine Taylor found her 'Seinfeld' audition nerve-racking and even broke the heel of one of her shoes during it.
Co-star David Arquette says 'Scream 5' is a love letter to Wes Craven. 💌
David Arquette is TOO CUTE reminiscing about 'Scream 2'. 😍
Judy Greer was almost driven to tears on 'The Eric Andre Show'. 🤣
Antony Starr once found himself sharing a urinal with Jeff Goldblum, who appeared to be talking to himself while using the restroom. 🤔
David Arquette once had to be hospitalized after participating in a wrestling Death Match! 😱
Judy Greer has a wig named after Sarah Jessica Parker. 😁
Best known for his role as Dewey Riley in the slasher film 'Scream.' 🔪
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