Other shorts about Christoph Waltz
The man, the myth, the legend 🙏🙏
April 15
Ramón Rodríguez enjoys visiting his dad in Puerto Rico, where he has brought friends and celebrities like Weird Al, Rami Malek, and Bryan Cranston. 🎉
November 7, 2023
Jackie Chan and Jack Black voiced the "Kung Fu Panda" film series together, but they didn't actually meet until ten years later.
March 28
Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston both have 'Breaking Bad' tattoos, Bryan has the show's logo and Aaron has a quote saying "No half measures." ✒️
August 18, 2023
Jackie Chan met the queen and didn't know what to say to her.
March 28
Jackie Chan originally thought he would only be presenting the Oscar, but in reality, he ended up receiving it.
March 28