'Not Hot Enough?' Sydney Sweeney Strikes Back at Scorching Critique

'Not Hot Enough?' Sydney Sweeney Strikes Back at Scorching Critique

Sydney Sweeney isn’t letting harsh criticism dim her rising star.

When Carol Baum, Hollywood’s seasoned producer, got real about American actress Sydney SweeneySydney Sweeney at a film Q&A, the air got spicy. Despite “Anyone But You” making a $218.8 million at the box office, Baum wasn’t sold, asking, “She’s not pretty. She can’t act. Why is she so hot?” Sweeney’s squad wasn’t having any of it. Her rep threw down the gauntlet, saying, “How sad that a woman with such a wealth of knowledge prefers a takedown over a teachable moment.”

The story doesn’t stop there — in face of the critique, Baum’s now singing a different tune, hinting she’s open to future collabs with Sweeney. Who said Hollywood doesn’t do happy endings?


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