Lauren Godwin's Delicious Alphabet Challenge

Lauren Godwin attends a Creator Screening 2024

Lauren Godwin tried to complete a crazy challenge, but she hasn’t managed to eat the entire alphabet yet.

American TikToker and actress Lauren Godwin (born 2000) decided to take on a food challenge and eat as many foods as possible in 24 hours, with the first letters of their names corresponding to the letters of the alphabet. In the published video, Lauren ate, for example, a banana, donut, egg, gummy bears, hot dog, ice cream, and many other things, finishing the challenge at the letter M by eating a muffin.

Lauren Godwin was born in Houston, Texas, and became famous for her humorous videos on TikTok and other social media platforms. She has also appeared in web series such as “Misshaps” (2017) and “Lights, Camera, Action” (2019). Lauren, who was awarded Muser of the Year thanks to her activities on TikTok, is also known for her colorful hair and owns around 50 wigs.


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