Billy Bob Thornton recorded a song about his then-wife Angelina Jolie. 🤩

Billy Bob Thornton recorded a song about his then-wife Angelina Jolie. 🤩

Other shorts about
Billy Bob Thornton

Billy Bob Thornton's mom was a psychic and predicted he'd win an Oscar before he became an actor. 🔮

Billy Bob Thornton's mom was a psychic and predicted he'd win an Oscar before he became an actor. 🔮

She and Billy Bob Thornton were a pretty crazy couple! 💞

She and Billy Bob Thornton were a pretty crazy couple! 💞

DYK Obama shares a birthday with actor Billy Bob Thornton? 🎂

DYK Obama shares a birthday with actor Billy Bob Thornton? 🎂

The man, the myth, the legend 🙏🙏

Famous Faces and Their Music Misfires

She did the voice of E.T.! 👽

She did the voice of E.T.! 👽

Her first kiss & a date was with Dennis Quaid before he was famous! 💞

Her first kiss & a date was with Dennis Quaid before he was famous! 💞

A street in North Bend, Nebraska is named after Marg! 📛

A street in North Bend, Nebraska is named after Marg! 📛
A Look at Cinema's Greatest Villains

David Hasselhoff was the first president of Funner, California. 🎙️

David Hasselhoff was the first president of Funner, California. 🎙️
The Mastermind Across Bond Books and Movies

David Hasselhoff has a museum in Berlin dedicated to him. 🖼️

David Hasselhoff has a museum in Berlin dedicated to him. 🖼️
 The Art of Quentin Tarantino: How His Films Redefined Cinema

David Hasselhoff sang 'Looking for Freedom' at the Berlin Wall two months after the wall came down. 🎤

David Hasselhoff sang 'Looking for Freedom' at the Berlin Wall two months after the wall came down. 🎤

'8½' is one of his favorite films.

'8½' is one of his favorite films.

David H got his own Pamela. 🙃

David H got his own Pamela. 🙃


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