Julia Gisella and Marius Leqi Need Your Help to Pick the Best Drawing!

Julia Gisella and Marius Leqi

TikTok star Julia Gisella and her partner Marius Leqi engage in a thrilling art battle, asking fans to choose the winning drawing. Discover their vibrant creations and cast your vote!

In an Instagram post, TikTok star and illustrator Julia Gisella invites her followers to decide the winner of an art battle between her and her partner, Marius Leqi. Julia, known for her creative art videos and impressive social media following, shared two stunning drawings, each featuring a unique combination of blue and pink tones.

The artistic duel involved both artists drawing for ten minutes, with Julia using a blue pencil and Marius a pink one. After the time was up, they swapped drawings and continued working on each other’s pieces, repeating this several times. The final creations showcase a vibrant blend of their styles, leaving fans with the difficult decision of choosing the better drawing.

Julia’s call for votes through Instagram comments has generated a big response, with fans praising both creations and appreciating the couple’s collaboration. Which drawing do you think deserves to win? Cast your vote on Julia’s Instagram!


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