People are Comparing the Failed Family Event to Homer's Amusement Park

People are Comparing the Failed Family Event to Homer's Amusement Park

The unsuccessful family event is said to bear a strong resemblance to the amusement park that Homer Simpson considered building.

People on social media are comparing the failed event “Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Experience” to “The Simpsons”. The event, held in Glasgow, Scotland, failed to delight children or parents. Those who paid $45 per person for admission experienced a very disappointing event, with some drawing parallels to The Simpsons’ episode “Bart’s Inner Child.”

In that episode, Homer dreams of building an amusement park called “Homerland” using a trampoline, muddy puddle and a children’s play fort made from smelly mattresses, with an entrance fee of $50. However, many people believe that “Homerland” looks better than the event they are comparing it to.

Parents who were attracted to the event by artificially generated images were disappointed with what they ultimately encountered and contacted the police.


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