In an exciting development for fans of the beloved animated film, Disney has revealed that “Moana 2” is set to premiere in theaters on November 27. 2024. Initially envisioned as a television series, the project was transformed into a feature film. The sequel of “Moana” (2016) promises to embark on an expansive new journey, taking Moana, Maui, and a newly assembled crew into uncharted and perilous waters, promising an adventure unlike any before.
Under the direction of Dave Derrick Jr., and featuring a rich musical score by Abigail Barlow, Emily Bear and Mark Mancina, the film sets sail for new horizons. However, Lin-Manuel Miranda, known for his memorable contributions to the original soundtrack, will not be returning with new songs for the sequel, adding a layer of fresh anticipation about the musical direction this beloved story will take.
Walt Disney Pictures is also working on a live-action version of the original animated film, in which Dwayne Johnson, who voiced the character of Maui in the original, is expected to appear.