In a striking shift from his usual action-packed roles, Dwayne Johnson is set to portray MMA and UFC champion Mark Kerr in the upcoming film “The Smashing Machine,” directed by Benny Safdie. This role represents a significant departure for Johnson, offering a deeper dive into the complex world of mixed martial arts. The film promises to explore Kerr’s life at its pinnacle, delving into his career highs, personal struggles with addiction, and the intricate dynamics of love and friendship. With Johnson’s charismatic presence and Safdie’s visionary direction, the film is poised to offer a compelling and nuanced portrayal of one of the most enigmatic figures in the world of MMA, promising to captivate both fans of the sport and cinema alike.
Dwayne Johnson Set to Portray MMA Legend Mark Kerr in Benny Safdie's Biopic 'The Smashing Mashine'
Dwayne Johnson is set to portray MMA and UFC champion Mark Kerr in the upcoming film ‘The Smashing Machine,’ directed by Benny Safdie.