This, my friends, is the world's first YouTube video: 'Me at the ZOO.' 🐘
This, my friends, is the world's first YouTube video: 'Me at the ZOO.' 🐘
Can you imagine the web without hypertext?
Can you imagine the web without hypertext?
A whole new language and vocabulary was born with the Web.
A whole new language and vocabulary was born with the Web.
CERN made the web public in 1993, opening it up for anybody to use. 🌐
CERN made the web public in 1993, opening it up for anybody to use. 🌐
What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol?
What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol?
Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.
The first web browsers had weird buttons you could click for weather or news. 🔲
The first web browsers had weird buttons you could click for weather or news. 🔲
The WWW is *not* the same as the the Internet, which is 20 years older. 🧓
 The WWW is *not* the same as the the Internet, which is 20 years older. 🧓
Check out the Facebook of 2012. 🧐
Check out the Facebook of 2012. 🧐
These days Berners-Lee is taking on GAFAM – Google, Apple, FB, Amazon & MS. 🤺
These days Berners-Lee is taking on GAFAM – Google, Apple, FB, Amazon & MS. 🤺
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