Liza Koshy keeps talking a lot during her workout. 🎤

Rosalía doesn't have as much time to workout as she used to, so she carries her weights around. 🏋🏼♂️

Ana's stunt trainings look pretty dangerous! 🥊

Eiza is a heavy weight lifter. 🏋🏼♂️

British tennis player, Andy Murray, is famous for rigorous endurance training. 🎾

Elizabeth shared her secret fitness tips! 🏋️♀️

Her workout routine can get pretty intense! 🏋️♀️

Broke down her signature moves to get in shape! 💪

Shut down her haters by posting her workout routine! 💪

Channing Tatum had to workout twice a day and avoid salt for his 'Magic Mike' role. 😲

James revealed how he built up the muscle for 'Glass.' 💪

He does 500 crunches a day! 💪

Had to train hard to keep in shape for his football star role! 🏋️🏈

Revealed how he got totally jacked for 'It's Always Sunny!' 💪