Mentioned in
The Most Explosively Hilarious Cop Duo
Mentioned in
South Park's Most Memorable Celebrity Parodies
Danny Glover loved working with Mel Gibson. 🎬❤️

DYK Mel Gibson was in talks to direct the sequel? 🤨

Mel & Danny Glover praised Richard Donner at the 2017 Oscars! 🙌

Corey Feldman hinted Mel might direct 'LW 5' a few months ago! 👀

Late director Richard Donner said ‘LW 5’ is the last! 🔚

Episodes of the 'John Wick' prequel series will be 90 minutes long! 😲

He landed a hilarious role in his last TV series, 'Complete Savages'! 😂

Mel got his start on TV in 'The Sullivans' in 1976! 📺

Gibson directed the highly controversial 'Passion of the Christ.' 🎬

'Braveheart' brought Mel an Oscar for Best Director! 🏆

Mel is still pals with his college roommate Geoffrey Rush! 🎓

His voice in 'Mad Max' was dubbed for the US release. 🤨

Did you know he turned down the role of John McClane in 'Die Hard'? 🤯

He almost played James Bond in 'The Living Daylights'! 🔫