Brian Cox is known for his popular science books and television programmes, such as 'Wonders of the Universe' and 'The Human Universe'. 🛰️
Brian Cox is known for his popular science books and television programmes, such as 'Wonders of the Universe' and 'The Human Universe'. 🛰️
Brian Cox assisted in one of the biggest scientific discoveries in recent memory, specifically related to the Higgs particle. ⚛️
Brian Cox assisted in one of the biggest scientific discoveries in recent memory, specifically related to the Higgs particle. ⚛️
Cox has appeared in many science programmes for BBC.
Cox has appeared in many science programmes for BBC.
He made Deepak Chopra mad. 😏
He made Deepak Chopra mad. 😏
Wanna find out how black holes work? Let Brian explain! ✨
Wanna find out how black holes work? Let Brian explain! ✨
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