Anne Rice received her own category on 'Jeopardy.' 👏
Anne Rice received her own category on 'Jeopardy.' 👏
Anne Rice's books from 'The Vampire Chronicles' were the subject of two film adaptations, starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. ✨
Anne Rice's books from 'The Vampire Chronicles' were the subject of two film adaptations, starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. ✨
The author admits she never thought of putting vampires in high school! 😆
The author admits she never thought of putting vampires in high school! 😆
Anne Rice was a strong advocate for the benefits of sobriety. 🍺
Anne Rice was a strong advocate for the benefits of sobriety. 🍺
In 2012 Anne gave her best advice for struggling writers. ✍️
In 2012 Anne gave her best advice for struggling writers. ✍️
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