Jaren Lewison was a powerlifter in high school. 🏋️

Jaren Lewison was a powerlifter in high school. 🏋️

Dafne abosolutely NAILED her 'Logan' audition! 👌

Dafne abosolutely NAILED her 'Logan' audition! 👌

Gaten Matarazzo is involved with CCD Smiles, an organization supporting those with cleidocranial dysplasia, a condition he has. 😇

Gaten Matarazzo is involved with CCD Smiles, an organization supporting those with cleidocranial dysplasia, a condition he has. 😇

She originated the role of Matilda Wormwood in its Broadway adaptation. ☺️

She originated the role of Matilda Wormwood in its Broadway adaptation. ☺️

Albert Tsai's favorite snacks are cookies and chips. 🍪

Albert Tsai's favorite snacks are cookies and chips. 🍪
Riele Downs Celebrates Powerful Role in Carlesha Gaither Story on Lifetime

Gaten Matarazzo's favorite foods include cannolis, snickerdoodles, chocolate cake, and his mom's homemade mac and cheese. 😋

Gaten Matarazzo's favorite foods include cannolis, snickerdoodles, chocolate cake, and his mom's homemade mac and cheese. 😋

How did she manage to be so creepy in 'Hereditary?' 😱

How did she manage to be so creepy in 'Hereditary?' 😱

Marcia Gay Harden used to read 'Harry Potter' to Albert Tsai on the 'Trophy Wife' set. 📘

Marcia Gay Harden used to read 'Harry Potter' to Albert Tsai on the 'Trophy Wife' set. 📘

Wait, Gaten Matarazzo ("Dustin") knows how to put on fake eyelashes? 👁️

Wait, Gaten Matarazzo ("Dustin") knows how to put on fake eyelashes? 👁️

Shapiro was born with cleidocranial dysostosis.

Shapiro was born with cleidocranial dysostosis.

Little Gaten before he was famous 🥺

Little Gaten before he was famous 🥺


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