Kaia Gerber's Top Ten No-Nos Range From Social Concerns to Sneezes

Kaia Gerber unveils her top ten aversions from societal issues to everyday nuisances.
Kaia Gerber, model and rising star, recently shared her list of pet peeves with Dream Baby Press, giving fans a glimpse into her personal dislikes. Topping her list is a disdain for book banning, and she’s not a fan of cold baths or being honked at either. Other quirks include irritation at being asked to recall where she last placed something and an aversion to people claiming they’re too busy to read. Sneezing while driving, tummy aches, and lint also make the cut, with a candid mention of disliking the feeling of dissociating. It’s a relatable list that connects Kaia to her followers on a more personal level.