City-As-School is a public high school located at 16 Clarkson Street between Hudson Street and Seventh Avenue South in the West Village of Manhattan, New York City. Since its opening in 1972, City As School has been distinguished by its curricular focus on experiential learning through internship. The school has been the nation’s leading external learning or experiential learning model for high school students.
Browse through interesting facts and details about famous personalities who went to City As School. Enjoy bios of celebrities who attended City As School, learn fun and fascinating facts about them, and discover more famous people who went to other schools around United States of America and the world. Want to know more about famous City As School alumni like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Julia Fox, Princess Nokia, or Yasiin Bey? You're in the right place. Are we missing someone? Write us and let us know, the Combster family is here for you.